Skill Development

As India moves progressively towards becoming a global knowledge economy, it must meet the rising aspirations of its youth. This can be partially achieved through focus on advancement of skills that are relevant to the emerging economic environment. The challenge pertains not only to a huge quantitative expansion in skill training for the youth, but also to the much more important task of raising their quality. With a goal to create opportunities, space and scope for the development of the talents of the Indian youth and to enhance their technical expertise, ASHA focuses on Youth Skill Development as one of its pillars.
ASHA joined hands with NSDC in to skill youth in rural and semi-urban India by 2030 and They’ve earmarked 20 sectors for training and plan to expand nationwide. ASHA also partners with industry associations for standards and accreditation. They prioritize critical skill development, foster models, and involve private players while offering support for multiple initiatives.
ASHA focuses on Uplifting non-formal Education in marginalized areas and enhancing youth employability through diverse skill development initiatives including PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana), STAR, RPL, NIPUN, AMBER, Capacity Building, Seekho aur Kamao, GKRA, COVID Warriors training and SHI (Skill Hub Initiative).


Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna (PMKVY)

ASHA has been instrumental in executing PMKVY1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. Through meticulous socio-economic surveys, we’ve customized training programs across 140 districts in 18 states, serving as a conduit for skill enhancement.
Trained Beneficiaries: 12,000 plus beneficiaries

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

ASHA’s involvement in PMKVY includes RPL, which recognizes and certifies individuals with prior skills and experience. This segment empowers candidates with essential domain and entrepreneurial skills.
Trained Beneficiaries: 28,680 plus beneficiaries

Project Amber

ASHA’s implementation of Project AMBER in collaboration with NSDC and Generation India Foundation aims to bridge the skill gap among unemployed youth, offering training and job placement opportunities. Trained Beneficiaries: 2,400 plus beneficiaries

Recruit- Train- Deploy (Bihar ,Assam Skills, ESDM)

The hire-train-deploy model is a disruptive training program that aims to bridge the gap between an organization’s expectations and the time required to hire candidates, who require no prior, or on-the-job training, to be assigned to a particular job.
Trained Beneficiaries: 15,100 plus beneficiaries

Employability Skills

ASHA’s implementation of Employability Skills in collaboration with Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Tamilnadu SSDMs aims to deploy the Soft skills along with Technology modules is to make the market ready product to avail the job placement opportunities.
Trained Beneficiaries: 15,100 plus beneficiaries

Livelihood & Capacity Building

A livelihood is a means of making a living. It encompasses people’s capabilities, assets, income and activities required to secure the necessities of life. A livelihood is sustainable when it enables people to cope with and recover from shocks and stresses (such as natural disasters and economic or social upheavals) and enhance their well-being and that of future generations without undermining the natural environment or resource base.

We empower rural communities with Efficient & Sustainable models.

Sustainable Development Goals

We implement projects with social, environmental & economic impact


Our projects improve the livelihoods of rural communities, focusing on access to essential goods (education, water, health…), the condition and social status of women, youth, and communities’ social and cultural cohesion.


We strive to find the best balance between increased food production and preserving ecosystems (soil and water conservation, CO2 sequestration…).We implement projects at the landscape level to maximize impact.


We empower smallholder farmers through efficient agricultural practices to produce more, and better, and provide them with access to markets. Our projects generate tangible returns for our investors: sustainable sourcing and carbon credits with high social value.


Employment through Skills Training & Placement (EST&P)

In NULM, EST&P provides skills to the unskilled urban poor, under this component, urban youth subject to occupational vulnerability are targeted and provided with skill training so they can set up self-employment ventures or secure salaried employment. This skill training is linked to accreditation and certification and is provided in PPP mode.
Trained Beneficiaries: 32,000 plus beneficiaries

NRuM (National Rurban Mission)

ASHA have trained 1200 plus Food Processing, Agri Entrepreneurs for the better upliftment of their lives in Rurban identified Mandals.
Trained Beneficiaries: 28,680 beneficiaries


ASHA’s implementation of Project SANKALP in collaboration with MSDE and world Bank aims to bridge the skill gap among unemployed women, offering training and job placement opportunities in Mobile Technology.
Trained Beneficiaries: 2,000 beneficiaries

Project PM DAKSH

ASHA’s implementation of Project PM DAKSH in collaboration with MSJE and NSFDC, NSKFDC, NBCFDC aims to bridge the skill gap among unemployed women, offering training and job placement opportunities in Long term courses.
Trained Beneficiaries: 1600 beneficiaries